- Exact time-synchronous AD conversion (also over greater distances, e.g. 100m)
- Low-wind events should also be recorded: High measurement accuracy
- High sampling frequency (up to 50kHz)
- Gleichzeitige Messung verschiedener physikalischer Größen (Beschleunigung, Windgeschwindig-keit, Feuchte, Temperatur, …)
- High performance (e.g. signal processing in real time, system identification)
- Control technology application (e.g. active vibration damping)
Realization with bus system
- Process measuring computer incl. compute server (24 cores)
- Ethercat bus guarantees real time
- AD conversion with 24 bit: Low measurement error noise
- Short analog measurement paths: Low measurement error noise
- Fault tolerance: Individual modules can fail. The chain remains intact